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Doug Rowe

Capt. Doug Rowe originally from South Florida started fishing at the age of four. Stepped into a cockpit at age 14, and at age 18 had a 100 ton Coast Guard License, 1986. I have worked on sport fishing boats as well as Captaining Motor Yachts up to 110 feet. I spent 19 months as a crew member on a long-line tuna and swordfish boat where I learned a great deal! I've visited 90% of the Bahamian Islands and now reside in George Town, Great Exuma with my wife Wendy, who sells real estate for Front Rowe Realty I have been fishing and cruising the South Central Bahamas exclusively since 1996 and regularly fish Exuma, Long Island, Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador where we won the 4th of July Billfish Invitational in 1999.

Blue Marlin
Bahamas National

Created by Wendy Rowe                                  "Maybe it is Rocket Science!"

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